Universal credit claimants face tough sanctions in UK job crackdown

So we're saying that the electrical engineer has taken the only job at this Asda and we're also saying that the 3 months he occupies the job is detrimental to the unskilled worker? This unskilled worker was going to work his way up to being Asda's CEO but that extra couple of months spent unemployed has doomed him to a life on the dole?

What a load of shite.

If you're a high earning professional who can't get a job and you've not had the foresight or ability to save any money for a rainy day you absolutely should have to take any job that comes your way and work until you find something better.

Our benefits system should be there to help those who are unable to work survive, it shouldn't be there to pay someone indefinitely while they find their dream job.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com