The US is unreal because girls can't wear shorts to school, which is apparently as important as gay people losing their jobs or black children getting murdered.

Alrighty, let's break this down.

-Shorts are allowed, as long as they aren't needlessly revealing. This isn't to prevent distraction, this is to prevent lawsuits. Teachers give one wrong glance and they can be fired and branded a pedophile. I think that gets precedence over your burning desire to dress as scantily as possible and have nobody dare interpret it as sexual.

-Many states have outlawed job discrimination based on sexuality. But for that matter, it's not like they dig through your records to see if you've done anything homosexual in nature. Odds are, if you keep it on the down low (which, considering it's the work setting, you should keep on the down low about sex in general) it won't matter in the slightest.

-Black on white violent crime is many times higher than white on black violent crime. According to the FBI, black on white aggravated assault is 200 times higher than white on black aggravated assault. To judge someone's tenancy to be violent based on race is stupid and terrible, but it goes both fucking ways. There is not some fucking genocide against innocent black children by sheet-wearing KKK members. In fact, most crime against black people is done by other black people.

-Freely carrying guns generally means less crime, less murder, and less likelihood of attempted massacres. Pretty much all mass shootings take place in gun-free zones, and the cities with the strongest gun control also tend to have the highest murder rates.

-Plenty of Americans, including myself, disagree with the fact that a sacred Native American mountain was stolen, only to have the faces of expansionist presidents carved into its ass.

For fucks sake, if America was so shitty, then why are Mexicans, Cubans, Eastern Europeans, Southeast Asians, and South Americans risking life and limb to get in here illegally and get a shitty job for less than minimum wage? Why are our colleges packed to the brim with the wealthiest people from other countries trying to get an education?

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