Update to my wife telling her friends she settled for me.

Look dude, coming from someone who survived a horrific youth and then eventually married a wonderful man and has a happy and safe relationship and life now, I would never in a million years say or think something like that about my husband. He is my rock, my best friend, and I have absolute faith that we can do anything together. We joke about the capitalist implosion/climate apocalypse hitting when we’re turtles and just parking it on the beach somewhere. Two oldsters with a shopping cart and a dog, grilling fish while the world burns. Maybe some kind of cabin if we’re lucky.

What I’m saying is, that it sounds like you two might be on very different pages when it comes to what’s important in life and love and now you know that. It’s up to you what you do with that information and I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Survivors do have a tendency towards grandiose inner fantasy daydreams, but it’s just how we cope with how uneven our lives have been. It’s extremely unhealthy to genuinely carry that expectancy around like a bomb waiting to go off. If you two want to make this work for real, therapy is a must.

/r/relationship_advice Thread