Update on BungiePlz

Of all the things added to the list, this will be the last one implemented if ever. This would require such a significant re-write of Destiny game code that it will probably never see the light of day.

If it were ever implemented, I can only see it done for competitive/monetised matches, not general crucible gameplay.

I should clarify, for those who don't understand networking, and especially the difference between P2P vs Dedicated servers.

First and foremost, the actual gameplay algorithms (if/then/else/etc) for gunfighting would need to be doubled. Instead of sending hit detection packets, and other telemetry data to "all" clients, it would need to be sent to one server. This is a significant, and core function of Destiny that would require many man hours to complete.

Now, dedicated servers aren't simply a "client" in the sense of your console, or the companion app, the dedicated server code must also do so much more than watch "who kills who, and tell everyone" ... this will require coding dedicated server code from the ground up, yet another significant task.

Dedicated servers aren't necessarily the solution needed, also dedicated servers won't solve the "lagged player" problem (including packet loss) this exists in every online game, and will never change.

A better solution is to introduce "connection tracking" algorithms into the game, and rank players according to their connections, favouring better connections over poorer ones, and re-writing algorithms so that a player with poor connectivity to the majority of the active game mode, has a "lower hit priority" (that is, if you're dropping packets, your kills won't register).

I personally feel that adding dedicated servers to the Bungieplz list, while positive, will ultimately never get off the ground. It's like demanding Lamborghini add an option for 7 seats to their Aventador.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread