SO upset at me for kinkshaming

Yeah...I knew he was into lolis and cute stuff..and I don't mind. But I didn't know or think he would enjoy actual children's clothes. Besides school uniform looking outfits, which i would say isn't untypical.

And since, idk, at least to me it was odd for him to ask me, his 25 year old almost 1,80 girlfriend to wear a literal tiny kids bikini, while also coming off in a, what I took as a joking manner, so I took it as a joke. And continued it as such. I never intended to hurt him and if he genuinely would come to me, maybe not in public, and tell me he would be into that, I would still be a bit shocked and would need to talk to him about it. But hell I wouldn't even mind wearing something "similar", that's actually meant for adults. If that's what he likes. Just not...something literally intended for a small child. That's crossing my own boundaries and comfort a bit too much.

I am very open to kinks of any kind. And so far whenever I found something that weirded me out, instead of shaming the person for it I would research and try to learn more about it. Be open. And there are very very few things I am unable to tolerate. And even those few things I would never try to hurt people who are into them. I would just let them live.

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