Another argument about MIL with SO

I don't know if this makes a difference and maybe I should've added it on the post, but he's only a huge dickwad when he's drunk. When he's sober, he's nice and normal. When he's drunk he's nasty and annoying. Can't reason with at all. He came from a family of alcoholics---his mom and his dad. Once again, not an excuse for him. He said he's trying to quit claims it's hard.

So... When he said these things to me he was drunk and stupid.

The reason I put up with this was because I was a stupid, mean drunk who stopped when I got pregnant. My brothers HATED to be around me because I was an asshole. I used to drink heavy. Every pay day I chugged a box or so of beer with shots. Then drank light on work days, but still drank. My head space was bad during that time.

Anyways, I stopped because common sense. I'm not going to be drinking while pregnant. I didn't do AA or anything I just... Stopped.

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