Used as a prop for pictures

I had a “best” friend for almost ten years. We went through so much. We were almost co dependent with each other. I got very sick from an autoimmune disease that was failing to be diagnosed and she completely ghosted me. She was also the super pretty one between the two of us, but you know what, she was ugly with an ugly soul. She never complimented me. Ever. Never congratulated or celebrated any accomplishments. In all those years, I used to sort of chalk up to her personality/jealousy, but when I saw who she really was after everything I had done for her and been through with her (FOR her), I completely cut her off. It has honestly been one of the best things in my life.

Cutting people out who show their true colors is a gift. It doesn’t always feel like it, but it’s a gift. You should tell them all in a large letter or email or whatever every word you heard them say. And tell them to go fck themselves. And then keep making yourself reach your goals. Screw them.

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