VOTE FOR NOBODY: New Poll Has Bad News for Both Trump and Clinton, But Trump Even Moreso

With all due respect, if you want to bring up nation building part of the failures of Afghanistan and Iraq involved the withdrawal of U.S. forces too soon. Vietnam was a situation where rules of engagement prevented us from destroying North Vietnam and effectively winning the war. Thanks to Barack Obama, I've gotten to see the efforts of plenty of my battle buddies go to waste in Afghanistan and Iraq. When you look at Japan and Germany, we never left those countries, when the Korean war broke out we easily deployed our military because we had several hundred thousand troops still occupying Japan.

You can hate on neoconservatives all you want, but what Trump does not get is the best way to promote national security is to accept that this is the 21st century and we are not protected by geographical barriers. We are dealing with asymmetric warfare conducted by non-state actors, not conventional warfare conducted by a nation's conventional military. Trump doesn't have any foreign policy besides conducting a cursory, rudimentary analysis of readily available quantitative information, like the amount we contribute to NATO or the amount we pay for base leases in foreign countries, and whining about how we aren't being paid enough for our military's protection services. He doesn't bother finding the quantitative value we gain from having NATO or how we're able to exert regional influence by virtue of our military presence in certain areas. He has absolutely no clue what he's doing and his foreign policy speech was a joke.

As far as intervention in Syria and this "neocon warhawk" crap, something has to be done with ISIS/ISIL and a country that has no sovereignty because its in a civil war is a great place to conduct terrorist operations. Personally, I'd rather not go in to wipe them out and then be back there shortly afterwards because we didn't fix the circumstances for why we had to go there in the first place.

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