Voters on both sides increasingly see a Trump win as a possibility — and that may get more people to vote

The way she has handled her emails and the way she runs the Clinton Foundation have made many people question her morals.

No, what you mean is that the incessant attacks of dishonest right-wingers like you, who care absolutely nothing about the truth, has create a spectre of dishonesty around Clinton for which there is no real evidence.

You blithely ignore that hundreds of lawsuits against Trump from people he has defrauded, you ignore his many dealings with criminals, his outright bribery of public officials, and then you have the audacity to act as if Clinton having a private email address (as all of her predecessors did, and on their advisement) is a bridge to far? I'm sorry, but that is nonsense and it utterly strains credulity.

A much simpler explanation is that you are simply a base misogynist, grasping at straws and desperate to find a reason -- any reason -- not to vote for a woman.

I mean for fuck's sake, she's doesn't even run the Clinton Foundation! You're every statement is just lies piled on lies piled on lies. You are utterly dishonest to your core.

While Trump has feigned ignorance about David Duke, for example, or flip-flopped, I think most people would say that his dishonesty is incomparable with Clinton's.

Only people who are deeply delusional and desperate to hide their real motivations would make a claim that ridiculous. Trump is practically incapable of honesty, and yet you want to paint Clinton as the dishonest one? Again, such duplicity can only be a cover for something much darker and nastier.

Regarding your last three paragraphs, I'm a bit disappointed that my response prompted so much swearing and frustration. I did not mean to incense you.

No, you meant to BULLSHIT me. I checked your post history, and it's clear that you're a right winger who hangs out in racist, sexist cesspools and is perfectly comfortable associating with the most degenerate scum of society.

You're damn right you incensed me. You must think I am the stupidest, dumbest motherfucker to ever fall off the turnip truck. You don't need to be rude or swear to be insulting -- all you have to do is present an argument that presumes the other person is so fucking stupid they can't tie their own shoes, and that's exactly what you are doing here. You are feeding me piles of dog shit and trying to tell me it's filet mignon. You're damn right I'm offended.

Sorry buddy, but you'll find very few people are stupid enough to fall for the bullshit you're selling.

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