The Walking Dead's cliffhanger season finale has users ready to jump off a ledge.

That's pretty much how I saw it. It wasn't ideal but fuck it, that was such an amazing scene. Everything involving the saviors had my heart working a mile a minute.

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This is the thing for me- For about 4 or 5 seasons now, this show has been hamfistedly pushing this narrative that "In a zombie apocalypse, it's not the zombies you need to be afraid of, it's people!" and I've just kind of gone "Ehhh, yeah, I guess" because Rick and his group have always just confidently plowed through whatever's in their path. But this is the first time in the whole series, as they found themselves truly backed into a corner by the Saviors, that I really felt it. Seeing Rick absolutely losing his shit made me feel tension this series has never put on me. Every moment Negan was on screen was filled with stunned awe and anxiety over what he had planned. And finally, he picked somebody and he took his first swing. And then he kept swinging. And the sounds, oh my god. I was blown away.

Then something happened... The credits rolled. No shot to reveal who it was. That was a bit of a let down. You know what didn't happen? It didn't magically fucking erase what I just watched unfold. Even as I watched droves of internet crybabies threaten boycotts, and vow to pirate the rest of the series, talking about how they "Could have had their Red Wedding", the uneasy feeling stuck with me. Even as I watched it a second time, knowing how much people hated it, it all still got me. I had that very same feeling the Red Wedding evoked. But apparently I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to how a scene affects me and it was actually awful and I should be outraged.

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