Wandering around cities alone - doing solo travel the opposite way to everyone else

Wow. This thread finally puts to words what I tried to explain to my family and friends. When I studied abroad, this is EXACTLY how I tried to travel. Unfortunately I was with a group from my school, so when we traveled together, we mostly had to stick together (or I would be stuck with my shy, boring roommate who didn't want to do anything but also didn't want to be alone). I managed to get away by myself for our 10-day break and I went to Istanbul and then Malta and then Rome. It was amazing.

In Istanbul I actually did make a couple of friends at my hostel, but on the first day I was alone. I was definitely nervous as fuck because it was my first time traveling solo, and my mom had expressly told me not to go to Istanbul alone (yolo). But soon my fear went away when I realized that Turkish people are nicer and less aggressive than, say, Italians. With my new friends, I felt braver and more able to explore, so we went further and further out into the city. I do regret not going to the Asian side so I could have said I went to Asia, but that's okay. It'll happen another time.

When I was in Malta, I actually stayed at what turned out to be a youth hostel/youth homeless shelter. I paid a bit extra for my own room but it was perfect. I really did not make any friends in Malta and that was just fine. My dad's family is Maltese and I was just trying to soak up the culture as much as I could. I definitely could see the Maltese characteristics in my family and in myself. I went into every church I could find, and I accidentally went to Mass in Maltese one afternoon. It was PACKED and I had no idea what they were saying but I liked it all the same.

Travel alone, guys. Super alone. It's so fun to become an observer. When you're not with other people, you can really sink into your own thoughts and enjoy the ride even more.

/r/solotravel Thread