Washington: Florist Fined for Refusing Service

No, there is no violence. This isn't the 1920s mafia coming to destroy your business and rough you up. If you don't follow the law you get fined. If you don't follow the law again you get a bigger fine. If it continues they keep fining you. Eventually it is costing you too much to continue running your business. Also, you are delusional if you think EVERY LAW is backed by the implicit threat of violence. It is illegal to fish in the pond near my lake. You know what happens if I fish in that pond? They fine me. You know what happens when I fish in that pond again? They fine me. They love taking my money. They won't break my legs for fishing in that pond because they are making easy money.

So just to be clear, you are 100% okay with people denying others jobs, services, housing, medical attention, legal advice, and anything else regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation or beliefs? Because that is what you are saying. You are saying that it is okay for me to fire every woman under me because I don't think they do as good of work as men (I DO NOT ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.) You are saying that there should be no government regulation that states you can't deny housing strictly based on skin color. You are okay with pharmacists or employers denying birth control to females? You are insane...if you think leaving fairness and equality to the masses is the correct method of handling this.

The difference between War on Drugs, Jim Crow Laws, Prohibition, DOMA, and the host of other wildly unjust laws you cite is simple...those were put into place using religious backing and fear. Laws like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Americans with Disabilities Act are laws that were put into place using rational thinking and had fairness in mind. The Federal Civil Rights Act along with many state Civil Rights laws makes it illegal to deny someone service just because...is there an issue in any of these state? Nope. Are people getting dragged off into the night V for Vendetta style? Nope. You know why? Because people who want to be bigots should hold no power over another individual...especially when that power could mean the difference between life and death.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com