Watch Protesters Swarm, Berate Black Man for Carrying American Flag Through 'CHAZ'

You are the problem.

I am the problem for pointing out that saying "if you dont vote for donald trump then you are a terrorist supporter"? So if I vote for literally anyone else, I now support terrorism?

Open your eyes to the what the Left is doing right now....attacking cops, forming countries to over throw our government, using violence on anyone who disagrees with them, silencing those they won't use violence on...etc.

Literally mentioned none of these things at all in my comment. At all. What the fuck is this

If you can't see that and won't vote against it, you are the problem and are enabling it.

Now you're moving goalposts

I'm a conservative dude, i just dont appreciate being told that i support terrorism if i dont do exactly what you tell me to do. People like you are exactly who leftists point to when they make fun of conservatives

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