This week I resigned from a job I’d been utterly miserable at for over a year without having a backup job in place. It’s the most terrifying/courageous thing I’ve done in my life, and I couldn’t be happier or more proud of myself. Excited to start my new journey!

I wouldn’t think that way except that a couple of years ago I took my neighbor to the emergency room. She had to lay on a gurney in the hallway where the action was. It was a total shit show. Some drunk was hauled in with an ambulance. He harassed everyone and faked being injured so he could have a free place to crash. He got an MRI, wasted everyone’s time, etc. Police were there for a long time before he was ultimately hauled away. When he left I applauded the staff and asked the doctor how often that happens. His unhappy reply, “Every. Single. Day.” That same neighbor's son is a police lieutenant and she said he has to deal with that kind of crap constantly, too.

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