Weekly Relationship Check-In and Support Thread

Okay so a couple of days ago I kissed another girl while I was in college. I feel horrible but I kind of wanted to. After was the worst I feel horrible. I don’t know if we should break up or not. I think I still love her. Whenever I think about what it would be like to lose her it is horrible. I cant let her go but I feel like I should because of who I am. I am in college, in a fraternity. I have socials and party with hot women every week. Its so hard for me to wait every few weeks or so to see her. I think that an open relationship could be possible but that is just selfish because I don’t want to lose her. She would not benefit at all from that and I would still be cheating on her in my heart which is cowardly and bad. I think I am starting to hate myself for even thinking about this. She is perfect in every way but sometimes I think I am just too young for this serious of a relationship. I feel like whenever we fight or when she cry I don’t care like I used too. I obviously care but it just isn’t the same…I find myself wondering what I would be like to be with another women but I also wonder what it would be like for her and I to have kids and grow old together. I am so internally conflicted right now. Another problem is that when ever I think about what it would be like for us to break up I am scared of how her parents will react. I know that is no reason to do or not to do anything but I find it oddly hard. I love my girlfriend and I always feel love for her but I don’t want to hurt her with one of my drunken stunts. I am not a cheater nor do I ever want to be but I don’t know what to do. I wonder If it would be strange if we were just friends after but I know that never works does it? I still find everything she does adorable too... Help me please?

/r/relationship_advice Thread