Josh and chemical castration

The definition of eugenics is "the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable." By that definition this treatment option is not eugenics. It has zero to do with arranging reproduction to increase desirable characteristics? I'm failing to see how you are correlating something that is voluntary and reversible and not remotely associated with any attempt to arrange desirable characteristics via reproduction with the horrific forced and permanent sterilization of minority groups in the nazi regime. This is not that. It isn't even close.

We do fully agree that it's a bandaid though. It's not magic and doesn't cure the underlying issue, but a bandaid is better than nothing when vulnerable kids are at risk.

Would you rather be locked in a 12×12 room for 10 years or get a hormone injection with minimal side effects every 3 months and the freedom to step in grass anytime you want and enjoy a life of freedom? That's what I mean when I say most men are happy to have this chance instead of the alternative. Any one of them could refuse it and do their original time. Courts did not order this and it was never given without full consent (often enthusiastic consent). It was used outside of court situations too and some men requested it on their own once they knew it was available.

We can agree to disagree though.

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