Well, it happened. (Spoilers All)

When it comes to Sansa's character development - I'm not sure where this scene leaves us. That's my problem with it.

I was honestly expecting Jeyne Poole style shit here, so the actual scene was, embarassingly, a relief. I think that's an issue with being both a book reader and a show watcher - when they toned down Sansa's treatment, though I was still disgusted, I was still a little bit "phew" as well. I didn't like that relief was one of the emotions I felt there.

So I see people being like - "gah she's a perpetual victim" and "why is is always women being raped?" - valid points, but mine is more like, "what was going through Sansa's head at that time and what will be going through her head in the next ep?"

Thing is, Sansa would have definitely known that tonight she was losing her virginity. The only reason she hadn't with her previous marriage is that Tyrion was a stand-up guy. So I'm not sure what was going through her head when she was starting to take off her clothes. This isn't a shock, she decided she would marry Ramsay (from what I remember of her convo with Littlefinger) and she knows that Ramsay is psychotically violent ('warned' by Myranda, evidenced by what he did to Reek). With that said she didn't know Ramsay was a psycho before she agreed to marry him. But she also didn't show a lot of fear before the wedding either.

So I'm not sure what was going through her head - I assume it was a mixture of "oh fuck this is actually happening" - but I also think that it could have been really shaken up by the fact that Reek was ordered to watch. Maybe that was the straw that broke her composure? Also as another user mentioned, there was no foreplay and losing her virginity would already hurt.

I'm not sure if this is going to affect her character in a consistent way and lead to character development and actions, etc. or if the writers did completely mess this up and make it rape for the shock factor.

I guess I'll have to see the next ep.

/r/asoiaf Thread