Wellness Wednesdays

I hope this isn't too off-topic but I need to get it out somewhere.

My 53yro mother who has uncontrolled T2 has been diagnosed with glaucoma this week. Trying to be positive, I talked her into trying meal-prepping for a week to see if could manage it. We sat down tonight and I helped her put together a 1500cal plan that is kinda healthy considering that she hates vegetables. I'm going to help her clean out her fridge, make the grocery list, measure everything, and cook this weekend.

She seems excited and reluctant at the same time? I don't know if she will stick to it a few days just to appease me, break, and then go back to uncontrolled eating. I really hope she gets it this time but I think I'm afraid to feel optimistic. But maybe! Mentally cheer her on for me, please.

/r/fatlogic Thread