Wha do you think people assume about you based on your appearance?

Oh my goodness. Someone who understands! My eyes are so large. One person I hadn't seen in several years, said the main thing he recalled about me was my "large eyeballs." Ha! Seriously. Being doe-eyed isn't a bad thing at all, but I totally relate to your experience.

Ever had people mock you by widening their eyes at you? As if they thought I was purposely staring at them in shock. No, this is just how I look normally.

If I had a nickel for every "you look frightened!..."

And yes, people think I am ridiculously naive. I have an anime face, people think I'm empty headed.

Once a guy told me he didn't think I come off naive and I still remember that because it never happened before.

But actually people are so mean sometimes. Older women are the worst for some reason. Sometimes they go around nagging me for every tiny thing I do because they assume I'm just a clueless doll that is completely spaced out about life. I shocked a girl once by saying "yeah, I know I seem like I don't know what's going on, but I do" after she got on my case about something.

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