What is Anarcho-Capitalism?

Majority are Americans and quite nationalistic.

don't worry, we're not

Total rejection of public concentrations of power (state) but approval of private ones (corporations).

sure, nothing wrong with power, just the abuse of it and unjust exercise of it

Rejection of the scientific method and empiricism.

economics is about preference, not science. if you have a better way of understanding preference, per-determining it, then I have 100billion marketing contract for you

Lots of racism and bigorty.

not our fault, assholes want to associate with is too, tust me, most ancaps are not welcoming of them

Reliance on pseudo-sciences such as praxeology.

may not like it, but human's act, and pre-determining what those acts are is so far too complicated for science to figure out

Near-total ignorance of mainstream and classical economics and politics of Smith, Ricardo, Bentham, Owen, Marx, Keynes.

Been discredited a long time ago. Not to mention, the keyns based economy we have now is a collapsing disaster

Heavy reliance on rhetoric without deductive argument.

Contrare, we presume that humans act, and equality under the law, the rest is a straight forward deduction

Blind and simple hate for Socialism, Communism, without any interesting arguments.

Bullshit, the hatred of socialisim and communisim is well founded. You're the one doing a 'no true scottsman' everytime they fuck it up, and then you don't even try to explain yourselves

No understanding or consistency when referring to 'the left/the right', 'liberals', 'conservatives', 'anarchists'.

Either you are using force to make people do what you want, or you're not. How hard can that be to get? Most 2-yr olds can understand basic property rights, how hard can that be to get?

I digress from here ...

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread