What angers you about other people’s food preferences or habits?

Yup. No way am I buying coconut oil when I can buy lard or shortening for a fraction of the price. People paying 300% more for organic or plant-only crap when the rest of us aren't made of money. Talking about how beans and shit are cheap.

Mmmm, yum. A plate of beans, some kale and cashews for dinner again. Fucken yippee. Boy I sure am glad I can't afford the more expensive nut cheese, almond milk and coconut oil. It sure is nice to be spending the money I used to spend on actual food buying supplements and multivitamins so I do develop a zinc deficiency. So fucking cheap and healthy, now let me get regular blood work, because monthly check ups are real fucken affordable apparently.

Whenever I hear this I immediately realise I'm talking to one of those spoilt, out of touch "Well I can do it, so you can too!" assholes. No, fuckface, I can't. Because you make between $30-70,000/year and can afford niche ingredients and eating out while I can't.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent