Todays the day

I understand your pain, I’ve had a very rough life, grew up in a household with a bipolar mother and an alcoholic father, they split when I was like 8, I hated grade school, hated high school had severe acne and social anxiety in high school, actually enjoyed college and was happy for a brief moment in my entire life but of course the pandemic happened when I was in college and turned it into hell, remote college for 2 years, total isolation and stress, all my friends dropped out or moved away, etc. I’m 24 and I’ve never been on a date. I’m unemployed. Literally have nothing I life all I’ve known is suffering. But I’m not going to do it because I know things will probably get better, if it wasn’t for the pandemic I would probably be doing very well right now so I just need to work on myself and get back on track to the way things were. Your husband and child would be devastated and this would effect them for the rest of their lives. Please don’t

/r/SuicideWatch Thread