What is the angriest you have been at the Reddit community/users?

The moderators "protesting" the firing of /u/chooter by making all of their subs private. I'm gonna be brutally honest here and say that I don't really care about AmAs (and by extension, Victoria, and I am certain that there are hundreds of Redditors right there with me), unless they are from my favorite celebrities (Troy Baker's and Jim Gaffigan's AmAs are the only two that I remember participating in). It crippled the majority of the content on the front page for millions of redditors on /r/Askreddit alone. Nobody knows what happened, and the Admins might have a good reason for keeping Victoria's firing a secret, for all we know, she could have been looking at porn featuring albino midgets raping donkeys with chainsaws while at work and the Admins want to keep it quiet as to 1) prevent them all from looking bad and 2) to prevent her from getting attacked by Reddit, because let's be honest, the Hive Mind would destroy her if that's the case.

We don't know what happened, and although the Admins might not have the best reputation of Administrators of one of the largest Social Media websites on earth, it's still unfair to assume that they are tyrannical. As far as I can see, the moderators of dozens of huge subreddits are at fault; not the Admins. Now, the Admins could have explained everything to the mods of /r/iAma and begged discretion, but how could they have the foresight to see what would happen?

Although the Admins could have been a bit more transparent, they might have their own reasons that they want to keep private. Therefore, the moderators are more at fault than the Admins. The Admins had nothing to do with the privatizing dozens of subreddits, that was the fault of the moderators, because their fee-fees were hurt, their jimmies rustled. We all need to grow the fuck up and move on.

/r/AskReddit Thread