What are common problems that officers, who are unpopular with their soldiers, have to face?

Depends on the situation. From what I’ve seen, usually senior enlisted, will wait till a proper moment to chew tf out of an O.

Was at a range once and our idiotic CPT and 2LT were shamming and fucking around all day eating pizza and driving around the base rather than spending time with the soldiers and training.

End of day rolls about and commander and XO suddenly wanna shoot from the gunners seat while we do convoy live fire training. It’s late ass hell, we wanna go home, CO and XO haven’t even done the crawl walk phase and just wanna jump into the run phase and we all suggest no. Commander doesn’t like that and demands it like a child. So we agree.

Not 10 minutes in commander doesn’t know how to operate the .50 and stalls during the range. We stop the convoy to assist him and he’s cussing us out saying we weren’t swapping the barrels and now it was jamming due to negligence. Our senior nco in the truck try’s to guide the commander through unjamming the weapon, and during this commander tries to grabs the handles to hold the weapon but instead accidentally hits the trigger mechanism and negligent discharges about 15 rounds.

Our senior nco, also prior drill sergeant, rips him out the gunner seat, throws him out the truck and proceeds to grill him about putting soldiers life’s in danger and being a moron. About a week later commander wants XO to to go around getting sworn statements from the soldiers in the truck because he wants to drop UCMJ on the senior nco. No one fucking soldiers tells the XO shit, and for good reason. This commander was an idiot and didn’t know how to run his company and the XO was his little puppet that followed his every order. Hell, even the battalion CSM backed up the senior nco because he kept his soldiers safety as a priority. Shortly after that, the commander never bothered coming around the platoon whatsoever. And after the annual sensing session and evaluation report of leadership by the lower enlisted soldiers, that commander was relieved and sent somewhere else.

/r/Militaryfaq Thread