What are the horrible things that "The Squad" have said that Trump keeps referring to?

Well Talib said plenty of her own things to be included in the group. She’s hardly in the line of Fire only because of what the other woman said. So I don’t think that’s a very good example if you’re trying to paint me as hypocritical.

There haven’t been any white Presidents for Trump to accuse. Additionally, there’s never been even the teeny tiniest idea that any other President wasn’t born here. But, I assure you, if there was Trump would not let it slide. He roasts white guys literally all the time. Race isn’t his deciding factor in even the slightest. Bringing race into it is low effort and the oldest trick in the book. Think of something new for the love of god.

I totally agree Trump restarted the entire debate right when the news cycle was “Democrat women fighting with each other.” He fucked up. He could have gotten the Dem leadership to embrace the squad AFTER their own drama had died down anyways.

I appreciate the EEOC citation but the keywords in your passage are “could” and “in certain circumstances.”

Yes I am saying there is an appropriate time to speak freely. In private. Unfortunately for Trump, what’s private to him isn’t what’s private to the rest of us. That’s life.

When Trump made his comments they were almost 15 years ago, made privately to 1 person, in a backroom under the belief of privacy — NOT to the mass public.

When those women made their comments, regardless what they said (because I agree MF isn’t that big of a deal), they were made physically from the United States Congress, in their official capacity as representatives, and as loudly and publicly as possible.

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