What are some amazing tips to live life happily, to keep you body and mind happy ?

I live by this. If I have a problem or worry It can eaither be solved or it cant. If it can be than fix it. If not than give it to God (if you dont believe in God just dont think about it) Because who wants even more stress or worry for no reason at all?. Also live un- ashamed, If you are doing anything youd be ashamed to tell your mother, friends, brother anybody than mabye you shouldn't do it. I've learned at this point in my life how great it feels to live un ashamed. Also forgiveness. Forgive like you'd wanna be forgiven and in the same You'll be forgiven when you make mistakes. Be honest even if it cost you and Be observant of your own destructive habits. I'm only 16 but also rn I am working on controlling my tongue, all my life i have seen karma play its role i believe if you always talk bad than you will receive that. if you have a goal tell yourself you have already received it in do time. These are all pretty simple so my bad if you dont care lol but these are just a few I keep in mind

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