What are some examples of media that promote independence for women or 'girl power' that make you shake your head?

It sounds like you're just anti-military in general, which is fine. Though many would argue having a large military deters more conflict. Having a global presence allows other nations to feel safe, reducing their need for a large military. But I get if you don't buy into that idea, I don't know if I do either, just a thought.

But spare that the military helps a great many people fix their lives. For some, it re-parents them, teaches discipline and respect, jumpstarts a work ethic, and provides a sense of pride. It gives educational opportunities, from college to work experience you either can not get anywhere else, or maybe would be unavailable or rare otherwise. Having more women in these fields helps balance the civilian side of the same careers as well. For some, it's the only way to escape a horrible hometown, or it's the only way to see the world, all while having health insurance.

No, that's not right that the military is sometimes the easiest way to accomplish these things, and there should be other ways. We should work on making other options for those who join for reasons that aren't "service to country" or "tradition" or "to kill people."

Yes there are negatives to everything I said, and I don't disagree with you entirely, but as a female service member, I love the military and all that it has given me, and I think more women joining is a good thing.

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