What are some small lifestyle changes you've made that have substantially improved your daily routine?

I've been unable to find a job in my field, so I started volunteering in it twice a week to get experience. (At the time, it was a minor lifestyle change as I was unemployed and had lots of free time.) I loved the volunteering gig so much that even though I have since found gainful employment, I've been doing it for two years now with no plans of stopping. Not only do I have incredible experience for my resume, but I also have made tons of networking contacts for future employment possibilities. But what honestly makes it worthwhile is the amazing, life- and philosophy-changing experiences that giving of my time has provided both to me and the members of the public that I work with.

It's a lot of effort to get started volunteering because humans are creatures of habit and it's a huge routine change (plus when you're the new guy, you get all the Charlie work), but the experiences you'll have and the contacts you'll make will change your life for the better. I highly recommend volunteering to anyone who wants to make a positive difference in the world. :)

/r/AskReddit Thread