What are some things that a teenager should avoid?

I’m really sorry for this. Simultaneously, I can sadly relate with my sister from childhood medication turning into drug and development problems through teenage years into adulthood. My heart breaks waiting for the beautiful person I know is in there to bloom - but she’s completely stuck and we are all traumatized and can’t trust anything. Drugs will fuck you up long term and take away the personality and hopes and dreams of the people we love. Taking some Xanax and drinking heavily to cope at parties spirals really quickly into heavy narcotics and heroine and it is ... heart breaking and extremely traumatic to say the least.

I had some acquaintances I stopped hanging with entirely in high school also who were lovely but LOVED to party hard with drugs/substances you’d find in college settings - they wound up with alcoholism at 17, drug addictions starting at 18-20 ish, and often dead or with their families estranged from all the lying and financial drain, absolutely no financial/emotional/job stability whatsoever and a lot of permanent struggles.

Whoever sees this - it’s REALLY not worth it to feel cool for a night or two.

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