What are some truths that no one likes to admit?

The following ideas you have put forward are ridiculous:

  • IQ gaps between ethnic groups and sexes are at least partly determined by some innate difference in intelligence between said ethnic groups and sexes.

I said [the IQ gap] exists and it's not all cultural bias.

  • "Races" are more than just a social construction based on folk ideologies that construct groups based on social disparities and superficial physical characteristics.

"race is a social construct" is an idea put forth by academia for people like you.

I found this statement rather illuminating, as it illustrates your tendency to value scientific research only, when it supports your own world view. If it debunks your ridiculous ideas, you brush it off as "being put forward by academia for people like you". (Whoever the hell people like them/us are...) A pattern of behavior you are oh so quick to criticize in others.

  • That IQ tests are a meaningful metric to evaluate some form of objective intelligence.

While you did not explicitly state this, the fact that you put forward "IQ gaps between races and genders" as "a hard truth" suggests that you do attribute some form of significance to those tests.

  • That those arguing against the above mentioned, absolutely unsubstantiated claims need to educate themselves.

Lol OK. You've clearly not read anything on the subject.


Read about cultural bias and iq gap. Do some research and stop trying to make reality match your world view.


What are you even arguing against? The existence of an iq gap, the validity of iq, the cause of the gap? The Wikipedia entry is a fairly good opener on the topic.

That last statement is especially amusing, as the very Wikipedia entry you are recommending thoroughly debunks your claims:

It states rather decisively that "race" is nothing but a social construct:

The majority of anthropologists today consider race to be merely a sociopolitical phenomenon rather than a biological one, a view supported by considerable genetics research. The current mainstream view in the social sciences and biology is that race is a social construction based on folk ideologies that construct groups based on social disparities and superficial physical characteristics.Sternberg, Grigorenko & Kidd (2005) state, "Race is a socially constructed concept, not a biological one. It derives from people's desire to classify." The concept of human "races" as natural and separate divisions within the human species has also been rejected by the American Anthropological Association.

It also addresses the fact that intelligence tests in general and IQ tests in particular are highly controversial subjects in the scientific community, and should therefore not be confused with an unambiguous metric for some kind of "general intelligence":

Other psychometricians argue that, while there may or may not be a general intelligence factor, performance on tests rely crucially on knowledge acquired through prior exposure to the types of tasks that such tests contain. This view would mean that tests cannot be expected to reflect only the innate abilities of a given individual, because the expression of potential will always be mediated by experience and cognitive habits. It also means that comparison of test scores from persons with widely different life experiences and cognitive habits is not an expression of their relative innate potentials.

Furthermore, it states that notable geneticists argue that testing intelligence by race is a priori flawed:

Templeton points out that racial groups neither represent sub-species nor distinct evolutionary lineages, and that therefore there is no basis for making claims about the general intelligence of races. From this point of view the search for possible genetic influences on the black-white test score gap is a priori flawed, because there is no genetic material shared by all Africans or by all Europeans.

Below, the article clearly outlines, that basing any form of "general intelligence" g on genetics is scientifically unsubstantiated:

Intelligence is a polygenic trait. This means that intelligence is under the influence of several genes, possibly several thousand. The effect of most individual genetic variants on intelligence is thought to be very small, well below 1% of the variance in g. Current studies using quantitative trait loci have yielded little success in the search for genes influencing intelligence.

Although you will undoubtedly find the oddball scientist supporting your racists claims, the views in the overwhelming majority of the scientific community range from highly skeptic to strongly opposing those claims.

Considering this fact, it is ridiculous to hold these ideas, let alone to arrogantly dismiss those opposing them as being uniformed.

I have only debunked the idea that IQ gaps between ethnic groups are allegedly caused by inherent differences between those ethnic groups. I could do the same for the analogous, sexist claim that the same is allegedly true for sexes.

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