What are your reasons for having only one child or multiple children?

My husband and I have one daughter and are done. I always knew I would only have one- I have four siblings and we all have nothing in common, are always competing with one another for stupid things, and basically all really dislike one another. Same story with my husband and his two siblings. It's been like this our whole lives- raised in a wealthy, happy home with parents who love each other and are still together but just five completely different personalities taught to stand up for ourselves be proud of our own talents and interests and be independent (basically good ideals). The lesson for me was you can build an amazing home and family life, and if your kids are different you either have to squealch their individuality in order to make them friends or deal with the fact that maybe they won't ever like each other or get along. We can pull it together for family holidays but never in a million years would I call one of them for help or to share good news. I think it may have to do with that we all feel a little cheated- none of us got any real quality time with our parents, or the resources to do anything we really wanted, and our parents were so overextended with their careers and five kids that at least I feel like I don't even know or have a relationship with my Mom and Dad. We all spent a crazy amount of time together (we had family dinners every night almost and went on family vacations a lot) but it was always spent in some way fighting or mediating fights. (As a side note all if us kids are otherwise healthy, happy, and successful in our chosen paths with many good friends- just don't really get along and don't consider each other friends). Also so it's understood this isn't a maturity thing myself and my siblings range from early twenties to late thirties.

/r/Parenting Thread