What aspects of a woman's life are most men unaware of?

You must understand that it is rude to put men can this uncomfortable position just so you can feel naked in a house that you must share with others. You sound terribly immature and lack empathy whatsoever.

Try this phrasing instead:

You must understand that it is rude to put women can this uncomfortable position just so you can don't have to feel sexual in a house that you must share with others. You sound terribly immature and lack empathy whatsoever.


If you want to live in this world properly you must consider the feelings and sufferings of everyone. That includes the women because they're there to stay and they're not going to change their clothes to suit your wants. And they're not going to apologize for it either.


But, when you're told by women in your family that you should be more considerate, you should heed their words. Not every daughter wants to be raped by her father, but also every daughter does not want to feel a complete lack of personal freedom and autonomy just because her dad doesn't want to acknowledge that women live in the world and deserve the same degree of freedom as men.

You realize it's the father's job to not intentionally sexualize, or indulge in sexual fantasies of, his daughter, right? You realize it's the father's job to deal with his own emotions, not expect his own daughter to have to change her lifestyle to accommodate him?

You realize that it's possible to become desensitized nudity, right? Which means it's completely possible to be desensitized to your daughter wearing a tank top or booty shorts.

If you see it all the time, you don't sexualize it. If you don't see it all the time, you do. So the solution isn't for women to cover up because their dads are seuxalizing them. The solution is for fathers to recognize that they don't have to indulge every single fantasy and that they can develop self-control without having to make the entire world adjust to some fleeting sexual response.

Most mature adult men, even if they do feel sexual feelings towards their daughters, are fully capable of dismissing the thoughts and moving on with their lives without having to oppress their daughters because they're mature enough to understand it's their own fucking problem.

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