What is the BEST things to always buy at 99 cent stores?

I worked in a Regulatory department for a few years, and followed the news on food safety recalls/incidents/legislation. I'm not an expert by any means, but based on the news I followed and observed for two years, while there's still room for improvement in the USA, China is far worse. They had an incident where a company, trying to throw protein-detecting tests, adulterated milk being used for baby formula. (They were trying to make more money by representing their milk as having a certain level of protein that it otherwise did not have.) However, the extra ingredient they added to falsely boost the result of the protein testing, melamine, made many babies sick (kidney damage and kidney stones) and killed others. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal

In my opinion, in the USA, things have had such a high level safety for so long that you have anti-vaxxers popping up, thinking think avoiding false, discredited fears about autism is better than avoiding a very real, dangerous disease like measles. And you have people advocating for raw milk that isn't pasteurized, and giving it to CHILDREN. Children, who can die or have their kidneys wrecked if they get salmonella. We pasteurize milk for a reason, and vaccinate for a reason, but lives in the USA have been relatively "safe" for so long that people forget that because they've not lived with the horrible diseases, sicknesses, and complications that our ancestors did.

China is definitely worse. Their regulatory system is "new" compared to ours in the USA or the systems in the EU, and they are making costly mistakes that kill and sicken their people--and us too if we import things from there without proper checks (or even with, if certain tests are being thrown by adulteration with substances poisonous to us).

We have our faults, and I wouldn't at all be surprised that pesticides are affecting bees or other ecological systems (remember what happened with birds and DDT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDT#Environmental_impact ), but we've also been pretty safe for so long that people are willfully disregarding health and safety measures because they, themselves, have not seen in their lifetimes the sorts of problems HERE that are happening CURRENTLY in China with their quality and safety systems.

/r/Frugal Thread Parent