What do you think of "Bodega Bro" getting fired?

I have to wonder how the employer finds out in some of these situations.

I suppose I have a different definition of what "cancelling" is than some do...certainly different than what the right has been saying it is.

A person posting something on social media and getting a bunch of shit for it on the internet because it was racist or otherwise offensive = not cancelling, that's just the internet being the internet. If you willingly post something then the people on that site are going to comment back on whatever you did/said.

A person posting something on social media and then people on the internet doxxing that person, contacting that employer themselves and/or encouraging others to do those sort of things to disrupt that person's life outside of the internet forums they were posting on = that is what I call cancelling.

In all but the most egregious examples I kind of frown upon the latter, my definition of cancelling. I personally wouldn't engage in trying to find Bodega Bro IRL and try to disrupt his life. I might think some of the shit in his videos is kinda douchey and tad racist, and I might comment that he is a douche, but I wouldn't take it any further than that.

But many do take it further than that, some much further than that, and that's the version of "cancelling" that I'm kind of not cool with. Someone ripping out hard-r n-words and harassing POCs IRL with racist shit, I can understand more, but trying to get people fired from their job over something that is only somewhat culturally insensitive in comparison is just over the top.

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