What can a girl do to stop being rejected all the time/be actually attractive to men?

This thread is why.

You people need to think of a better insult when you're mad that someone disagreed with you.

I refuse to believe that men are only attracted to women who agree with them 24/7. That can't be a thing. Men cannot possibly have egos that massively fragile.

No, the fact that I sometimes dare to disagree with people is not the reason men don't like me. You need to think up better material.

You're exhausting. I'm sorry, but it's true.

No, seriously. I refuse to believe that men think having intelligent conversations is exhausting. I refuse to believe that men think it's exhausting to have to use their brains. Think up better material.

But even if you were Scarlett Johansson, you would struggle in dating if you acted even a quarter of what you exhibited on this thread.

No, sorry. Engaging in polite, intelligent debate is not what makes me unattractive.

Couple a bad attitude

OK, I'm seriously tired of this.

I'm seriously tired of being told that engaging in polite, civil disagreement and self-defense is a "bad attitude" while somehow all the insults, slurs, and derogatory remarks aimed at me are viewed as perfectly acceptable behavior.

How does that logic work? How do you look at people hurling insults, slurs, put-downs, and derogatory remarks, then look at the person giving polite, civil disagreements and defenses and say ah yes it's the polite, civil person that's the one with the bad attitude?

Have interests outside of comics.


Women who like sports don't get told "have interests outside of sports".

Women who like music don't get told "have interests outside of music".

Women who like crafting don't get told "have interests outside of crafting".

Etc. Etc. Most of the women I know have only one or two major interests and they never get told "have more interests".

Why is it only women who like geeky/nerdy things (which is far more than just "comics", BTW) that are given the extra requirement of having more interests?

Your post history indicates hobbies that would be the expectation for an anti-social teenage boy, not a woman.

Ah, the gender-policing, how I missed you. Where I'm just not a proper woman unless I like the Correct Female Things. Where being a geek makes me a Bad Female.

I'm not allowed, for instance, to like comics, even though 46% of comic readers are women.

Or video games where 52% of gamers are women.

And that's not even getting into folk music, tabletop games, the various sciences, technology in general...

Oh no, but I guess I posted "exhausting" facts with my "bad attitude" of rightly questioning a claim I know is a crock of shit.

I know very few adult males who would want to be with a woman who builds her life around that.

Well, shit man, there's millions of women SOL in the dating market, then, lol.

Like, I'm offended by this than the whole beauty standards thing. Where do you or anyone else get off policing what women are allowed to like or shaming me for being intelligent?

I can lose weight, but I am never going to turn off my mind or give up what I enjoy just to make you or anyone else happy. I let the whole beauty standards slide, but I'm going to put my foot down: Anyone whose standards require a woman hiding her smarts because he doesn't want to deal with them or requires a woman changing all of her hobbies just to make him happy needs stop being a narcissist manbaby.

As a functioning adult, I wouldn't want someone that talks comics/geek culture like it's some epitome of the smartest thing someone can do. I'd run hell from a potential romantic partner that was socially stunted.

I'd run like hell from someone who is massively judgmental and stereotypes and gender-polices people on their hobbies and thinks they actually get to talk about people being socially stunted afterwards.

I don't have to dumb myself down for a man. I have a Ph.D. and make 6 figures a year, so gtfo with your men don't want a smart/intellectual/logical woman.

I call bullshit. Nobody who thinks a Reddit thread is "exhausting" would survive a thesis.

So you want advice, here it is. Stop acting like this.

Not going to stop being intelligent nor stop calling people on being assholes.

Stop being so drama inducing.

I'm sorry you folks are incapable of being drama queens the second anyone disagrees with you, but that's your problem to solve, not mine. If you want less drama, then stop being the ones causing it. Simple as that.

Your life centering around comics/geek/nerd is very one-dimensional.

Every other woman I've ever met is equally one-dimensional about their hobbies and interests. So, no, not going to change my interests just because intelligent women terrify you.

Stop being such a condescending know-it-all.

You folks being terrified of anyone who's done more research on a topic than you have is your problem to solve, not mine.

But you can't be stuck in quicksand to your assumption that you are the smartest bee in the hive. Odds are you are not.

Of course I'm not the smartest person anywhere. But I'm definitely the smartest person in this specific discourse.

Stop with the temper tantrum every time you hear something you don't like.

Careful, you're projecting more than an IMAX theater.

You seem angry, bitter, and resigned.

Yep. Angry at being abused and treated like shit. Angry at being told there's something wrong with me if I use my brain and do research. Angry at being told I'm supposed to unquestioningly agree with total horseshit. Angry at being told I don't have the same right as everyone else to do the things I enjoy. Angry at people for throwing tantrums the second I disagree with them and then pretending it's my fault there's drama. Angry at having people behave like total assholes but say I'm the one with the bad attitude and no social skills.

There are tools out there from professionals to help with that.

I'm really really tired of being told it's my job to go to counseling to deal with people being assholes to me.

Here's a thought. How about you folks go to therapists to learn how to not be assholes. You know what would actually fix my life? People not being assholes to me.

rather than admit there are things about you that come across as negative personality traits to other people.

Fucking christ.

I'm so sick of this. I'm sick of how people can insult me, throw slurs at me, put me down constantly, be derogatory towards me, say everything I do or say is wrong no matter how objectively false that is, etc. etc. and that's all totally OK.

But I'm somehow magically really the one with the negative traits. I'm the one who is unlikeable. I'm the one who has the social problems. Even though I have never in my entire life treated anyone with a single fraction of the amount of abuse I've put up with from the people who aren't the ones being criticized.

If I have negative traits, then what do you have after dumping on the hobbies of millions of women? What traits do the people who've called me insults and slurs have? What traits do all the people who've put me down have? What traits do the people who have standards that exclude the majority of American women have?

Meanwhile, what I have I done in comparison that's supposed to be so much worse? Questioned things that don't fit the facts? Defended myself? Disagreed with people? Asked to be treated decently? Told people to stop being assholes?

I escape into comics because it's a world where the people who insult people, throw slurs, put people down, are bigots, etc, are correctly labelled as the bad guys. If you protect innocents from abusers, people correctly label you as a good guy. If you defend yourself from an abuser, people correctly label it as self-defense. Comics ironically therefore have a morality axis that is more objectively accurate than real life.

I don't know why I'm even saying all this. You won't apologize for anything. You won't admit you were wrong about anything. You won't admit I was right about anything. You'll just say I need to go to counseling to learn to passively accept being abused and that when it comes to what's negative and acceptable behavior, up is down, war is peace, slavery is freedom.

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