What can you praise about the USA?

I was thinking today about how we literally have to make an effort to stop ourselves from eating too much. Like our problem is that there is an over-abundance of delicious food.

But, of course, that doesn't go for everyone. There are plenty of people starving or near-starvation in the States. But the middle class on up generally does not have to worry about food.

I was also thinking about how older generations in my family had arranged marriages, but I was allowed to marry whoever the fuck I wanted. There are still plenty of places around the world where women don't have a lot of choice in marriage, but for me, the choice was 100% mine.

I love that the US is so diverse. I can't spend time in NYC or go visit Utah and it will feel like I'm in two different countries. There is so much to explore!

I really appreciate the whole freedom of speech thing. Sometimes I have a kneejerk reaction to bigoted things people say, and I want them to be censored, but then I realize that I'd prefer to accept the bad with the good. Obviously there are places where certain types of speech is banned, and that's fine, but in general I'll take psychos saying that women and minorities aren't human if it means that we can say whatever the fuck we want in return.

I love that there are certain things citizens band together on, even if our awful politicians don't follow suit. For example, both liberals and conservatives tend to agree that we should be funding mental and physical health programs for veterans (now if only we could actually treat veterans better).

There's a lot wrong with my country, but I think it's a beautiful place with a diverse citizenship and that the beliefs we were founded upon are admirable.

/r/AskWomen Thread