What comes across as selfish but actually isn’t?

Good answer. I do not yield the right-of-way, and I actually find it rude to do so. Lets take a 4-way stop sign for instance. When it is your turn to go, FUCKING GO GOD DAMNIT! Instead dipshit, who clearly was there before you insists that you go first. It usually ends up with BOTH cars going at the same time, and then both cars stopping, rinse and repeat. Complete waste of time for everyone in the line behind.

Also, when you see that a 1 lane on a 2 lane road is closed up ahead and most normal people go ahead and try to get into the open lane. But there is that one asshat that speeds up all the way til the lane ends and then wants in the line of traffic ahead of everyone who got into line in an orderly fashion. And of course there is always some nice jackass out there that will let him in. Pisses me off to no end. I will not yield to the other driver in this situation, ever. I've even had them try to run me out of my lane, but I will not let them in no matter how selfish it sounds. Of course the guy right behind me always will. Thats okay though I can be a bit bitter sometimes, if he gets in line right behind me I'll slow down.

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