What is the creepiest and most unexplainable paranormal experience you've ever had?

I'm not a particularly spiritual or superstitious person, but this still gives me chills whenever I think about it. When I was 10, my uncle norm got hit by a car and died on Christmas Eve in the middle of a huge snow storm. However, the part about this that still freaks me out is that two nights before his death on December 22nd, I drew Christmas cards to several members of my close family, including uncle norm. But on my uncle norm's card, I added at the end verbatim "This card is the most special one, because it's the last card you will ever get and I want you to know I wish you a merry Christmas more than anyone else and I love you." When I gave this card to my uncle on Christmas Eve hours before his death, him and my family asked why I said it was the last card he'd ever get, but brushed it off as me making a joke or being a silly kid. As creepy as this is, it's not even the weirdest part. After my extended family left my house that night, I was laying in bed with my mom, my dad was putting my brothers to bed and my mom and I were just goofing around when out of the blue I felt the blood drain from my face and my mom and I both remember me saying clear as day "Mom, you need to get dressed. Someone's here." And sure enough, just seconds later, the doorbell rang and it was my uncles friend there to tell my parents that norm had been hit and was on his way to the hospital. This was all the information that we were told, and didn't know at the time how serious the accident was. However, when I woke up the next day on Christmas morning, I went downstairs and just knew. I plugged my ears and told my parents "I don't want to know I don't want to know" It always struck me as interesting as well that my uncles nickname was "storm" and he died in the middle of one of Buffalo's worst storms in history. That being said, it still makes me and my family especially uneasy that we can't at all explain how I knew my uncle was going to die days before he got hit.

Just a few weeks ago, I had an extremely vivid dream about my uncle. He has been in my dreams before, but always in a hazy or dream like way, more that he's just there and nothing's out of the ordinary. This one was different though. My "dream" started as me walking into a family cookout, and sitting there drinking a beer casual as ever was my uncle norm. None of my other family members seemed to think this was odd, and then I noticed that none of them could see him at all. Moments later, he walked up to me and said "No, they can't see me, I'm here to talk to you." We stood and talked for what seemed like only 10 or 15 minutes, mostly catching up on my life. He had the same humor I remember, and was wearing what I had forgotten but instantly remembered was his usual jeans and flannel shirt. Other than me casually talking to my dead uncle, the conversation was mundane, as if I was catching up with an old friend. It was a sunny and warm day, yet out of no where the sky became cloudy and the temperature dropped and started to hail large chunks of ice. As quickly as the conversation started, my uncle plainly stated that "that was all the time he had, and he had other things to do" he gave me and hug and kiss, and then I woke up, very shaken. I called my mom right away and told her everything. The line went dead and I thought she was just taking in my strange dream, but she sounded really freaked out and went on to tell me about the events that took place that day. My mom and a few of her girlfriends went to see a medium just for fun. My mom's slightly spiritual, but not the superstitious type and didn't seriously believe in any of this. However, the medium told my mom a few vague messages from an aunt of mine who had passed away a few years ago, but the one thing the medium said that stood out was that a man with a bloody leg was trying to get through to my mom, but my aunt wouldn't let him because it was "her turn and not his". And the only conclusion we could think of was that my uncle got pissed that my aunt got her "turn" so visited me to chat.

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