What is the creepiest thing that society accepts as a cultural norm?

The thing is, there are a bunch of game "journalists" who pull all kinds of bullshit, like giving 10/10 reviews to indie game developers they've been friends with for years without disclosing these relationships, firing journalists who write a bad review for a game that's sponsoring their site, emailing between themselves to decide whose friend's game they're all going to promote, etc, and some of these sites like it that way.

So when a group of consumers stopped taking their shit and started digging up years and years worth of their dirt and exposing it to everyone, rather than come clean and change their ways they decided that instead they would all agree to lie about it and tell everyone that these people are monsters who attack women because they don't want women involved in their hobby. Then they closed or censored the comment section on all of these articles, and banned all discussion on the topic from their forums in order to try to prevent people from listening to anything but their lies.

There are many, many women involved in GamerGate, and they're all very welcome. As a matter of fact, when these "journalists" initially tried to paint gamers as woman-haters, the women involved in GamerGate banded together to start the #NotYourShield hashtag, to rise up and show these "journalists" that they won't stand for being used as cover to shield them from being called out. I encourage you to check out /r/kotakuinaction and read up on the whole thing through the links on the sidebar, or ask questions of the people there. You'll find that "keeping women out of gaming" isn't at all what it's about. It's about keeping disingenuous opportunistic assholes out of gaming, regardless of what's between their legs.

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