What dating profile phrase immediately loses you?

My SO is 100% nothing like what you just described but she 100% dislikes the vast majority of women.

Why can't some women not like other women just like some men dislike most other men.

I don't get along with a ton of guys, that doens't make me some POS garbage human.

I think what really happens is that losers, have to put down unique people that don't need constant socialization and peer influence, because it SCARES them because they are unable to.

She doesn't act like how you described at all, she just enjoys masculine hobbies and dislikes catty shit that girls are into.

TIL my soon to be wife is dogshit and a serial killer or something with gender hatred and disphoria of the female sex (You're smoking crack dude)

Like I see this argument on Reddit all the time, but all the girls I know that hate other girls, are self sufficient, smart, successful, and they usually dislike other girls because they don't share their self reliance and are constantly in roles of Damsel in destress sorts...

IRL I've found the opposite to be true, girls that dislike other girls, you marry them, and the girls that are like "I hate girls who hate other girls!" usually are dumb asses that require constant social reinforcement.

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