What dirty little secret do you know about someone, but they don't know you know?

My office is a leftist echo-chamber. Every morning I'm surrounded with colleagues who whine on about how bad Brexit and Donald Trump are. Whilst they otherwise treat me fine and with courtesy, because I never contribute to the conversation when it comes to politics and echo their views, tending to put my headphones in and listen to music, I have subsequently been treat a little differently.

At first I thought it was just my personality and the fact I am quite introverted and don't give much away unless explicitly asked. But one day on a whim, I left my iphone recording under a notepad when I left the room.

Recorded part of a long conversation where one of my co-workers (an outspoken mid-twenties millennial) jokingly called me right wing, as well another jokingly suggesting I might be 'BNP nationalist'.

It doesn't help that I have to shave my head due to male pattern baldness but I suppose it contributes toward the image they have of me.

Some times when I enter the office, it all goes a bit quiet too. But none of them know I know what they say about me behind my back.

Just to add - I think Trump and Clinton are both crap choices.

/r/AskReddit Thread