What does everyone think about that r/antiwork Fox News interview?

I haven't watched the interview but yeah can guess what happened

I've been familiar with that sub for a long while and for a long time it has been against the concept of work itself, saying you should only have to if you want to

I remember a thread a year or two ago basically saying it's fine to be a NEET and basically leech off society

Obviously, most users of the sub no longer believe this because they've tried to expand their appeal by becoming a space to vent about bad bosses or whatever. To new users it was sold as anti bad work, not anti all work

If you look at the wiki and stuff though, it becomes obvious the mods haven't really abandoned their original ideology, they're just trying to expand the appeal. So yeah, I'm guessing the dude probably said some dumb things from the of ideology

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent