What does it feel like for them?

This is exactly where I'm at. And we had a seven year relationship. And she not only immediately was with another guy, she cheated on me numerous times at the end, and we had been long distance for the better part of this last year and she canceled my trip to go see her the week beforehand (as I was doing anything possible to salvage our relationship as the cheating had just happened) because she said she wouldn't be able to treat me like a boyfriend, she doesn't want to treat me like a boyfriend, and she wants to be with the new guy, not spend time with me. Seven years for a guy she met like a month ago, and I wasn't even worth trying by waiting a week and me coming to visit her.

When I tried to explain to her that this only makes sense to me if she never really loved me, she tried to tell me that she did and still cares about me. Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that. You clearly care about your own guilt more than my feelings, and you would feel more guilty admitting that you've wasted 7 years of my life not loving me than if you only wasted the last weeks while cheating on me.

I think I'm 12 days NC. It would mean so much to me having her reach out, knowing that she still cares enough about my feelings or me as a person (the way she claimed) to want things to end as best as they can, and not just the selfish way she did of cheating on me because she wants to impulsively fuck this new dude without having to think about me. She's worried about her own guilt more than any of my feelings, which just makes me think she never really cared about any of my feelings, just that her selfish needs happened to line up with my feelings for the better part of the last 7 years.

I'm just trying to focus on how she's already moved on and doesn't care about me at all at this point, so I shouldn't give a shit about her either. We worked through every possible problem that could emerge, and not only got through them, but came out of the other side stronger. We had a great long lasting relationship. She is being myopic and throwing it away for a cheap fling in front of her because she is having a teenage crisis about needing to go fuck all of the cock she can while she is still in her low 20s. Every relationship has problems and one will pop up between her and the new guy, and he will not handle any problem as maturely as I did with her with how I would put extra care into trying to understand every side of the situation, and he sure as fuck doesn't love her anywhere near as much as me, so he won't care as much me if it means their relationship will end. And this will probably repeat in every relationship she ever has and eventually she might realize what she had with me was worth something.

I didn't mean to start rambling, just what you wrote resonated with me, and this girl was my best friend too so I don't really have many people to talk to (outside of my therapist) because I would always talk to her. 12 days NC.

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