So, what does this upcoming Geo rework actually amount to in game? [Crunching the numbers for DPS Ningguang]

My questions kinda stem across the game as a whole. Mostly abyss and the overworld since I've kinda got two teams now anyway. I just wanna know is it gonna be worth it to build a geo based team.

Do all mobs carry a certain defense rating towards everything at each world level. I'm AR46 currently, do the mobs at my world level even have 20% geo defense? Would I see 20% more damage coming out, or do they have like 5% geo defense and I'm gonna barely see it?

I have ning and zhong and I'd like to use zhong, just he doesn't fit anywhere. His kit is great but he is geo. Only time that helps in abyss is geo shields and I have klee in one side and beidou the other. So aswell as dealing with ice shields they also do geo shields being claymore. That teak also freezes mobs solid the whole fight so you can just attack them from behind most the time anyway.

He doesn't take out any shield that is useful and I'm a bit weary of levelling him up as the only support since although the shield is good, it may not be God enough to just forgo a healer. I like to be able to break all shields with either team and slotting in Zhongli takes the space of a water or cryo or fire/electric type hurting the range of shields I can break.

Currently both my abyss teams can deal with any type of shield in no time. I wanna use Zhongli alongside ning but I worry that it could be a lot of wasted investment at this stage. Will a 20% reduction make geo teams capable of the dps I need? I just feel like a 20% defense reduction isn't gonna be enough to push the numbers needed to make the team a good investment.

I still need to max out my two teams first so I'll get to wait but if I can I'd really like to build a team round ning and dong next. Just not sure it's worth. I wish geo could break shields a bit better.

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