What don't you find attractive that society says you should?

Fake boobs, fake lips, fake tans, fake teeth, fake eyelashes and nails, fake hair, fake muscle synthol injections, fake steroid physiques, gaudy designer clothes with brand names especially big stupid looking sneakers, displays of wealth and extravagance on social media, trying to make yourself look like a smooth-faced alien via IG filters, houses and wardrobes colored in nothing but shades of beige, judging each others value as partners by our contributions to our employers, cars that make noise beyond what is necessary for normal operation, people that think that their ability to be cruel is impressive or attractive, people that only talk about their jobs, men that try to impress me with how angry they can become, women that try to impress me with how willing they are to manipulate people.

Please just be real and yourself and be kind.

/r/AskReddit Thread