What factors affect your menstrual cycle? Stress, environment, relationships, etc.?

Going to preface this by saying I didn't downvote you, nor did I see the original post, so take that as you will.

Based on reading your comments, I can see that you're trying to be reasonable, and I appreciate that. I think where you're running into trouble here is you're trying to claim that this explanation may possibly ever exist reality, and what everyone else is trying to say is that there is literally no way this can possibly happen and is therefore silly to even consider.

I tend to agree here. There's nothing to investigate. There is literally nothing you can do that would ever induce ovulation in this manner (that's the original question you're posing, right?). It's 100% impossible. A typical cycle happens in phases, and I won't get into the nitty gritty here, but while there are outside factors that can cause a woman to NOT ovulate, or even to ovulate early/late, the presence of a male sex partner is not one of those factors. If it were, I would have gotten pregnant much more easily lol.

Now, you could cause a great deal of stress in your partner, which could then affect the timing of ovulation or whether your partner ovulates at all, but I would certainly hope you're not stressing your partners out to the point of severe hormonal imbalance (literally the only thing that can cause this from month to month).

I hope that kind of clears some things up, and honestly I'm not going to call you stupid or demean you. You can obviously believe whatever you choose to. You have no reason to trust some internet stranger. I do hope you do a lot of research on the female reproductive system regardless after this, because that ish is interesting, yo.

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