What do you hate/dislike that would get you the most downvotes on Reddit?

A strawman fallacy is when you attack a point that your opponent didn't make. For example: If I say "Texting and driving should be illegal", and you say "You can't make it illegal for people to communicate", then you're arguing a more easily attackable point which I didn't make.

It isn't a strawman when I said that since I was responding to "And when do you think it becomes a "person"?" which was your question.

Here's some examples of strawmen arguments you've made:

Do you think it's okay to force women to carry pregnancies to term? We don't even take organs from dead people unless they gave consent first. You're talking about giving a woman less control of her body than a damned corpse. I'm not sure what you think is disgusting about that argument but in my opinion your opinion is not only disgusting but reprehensible.

I don't think it's okay to force women to carry pregnancies to term. You said that and then argued against it.

Are you aware that women die in childbirth? Even if they don't it takes a huge toll on the body. Do you know how emotionally traumatic being an unwanted child is? Do you know how much abuse there is in the foster system? Do you know what it's like to be a woman and having a person tell you that no you actually will be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term?

Once again you're arguing against your own point.

How would you punish women who had illegal abortions? How would you deal with women who hurt themselves and their fetus in failed attempts at abortion? How would you feel knowing that your opinion led to policy which caused women to stick sharp bits of metal into their uterus?

I never advocated punishing women for abortions which I don't think should be illegal. You once again are arguing against your own point.

If that is your primary concern then you must logically advocate that people start having children as young as possible and continue to have them without respite until their bodies are spent so we can maximize the potential human life that is actualized.

Carrying an already conceived child is not the same as just nonstop fucking to increase population. You can avoid concievement which is what I do advocate. It's aborting a child that's already begun forming which I disagree with.

So basically you keep arguing against yourself and making it look like you're arguing with us. No one has advocated making abortion illegal. No one is advocating fucking everything that moves to have tons of children. I am simply expressing that it's my opinion that abortions by the mothers choice alone are not okay in my mind and I find them immoral. I understand why abortion is a necessary option to have, but I don't like the thought of it in the slightest. I think your disregard for an organism that will grow into a human being to be disgusting; which is my original point.

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