What issue related to feminism or gender equality are you on the fence about, and why?

Imam being the leader of prayers, no women cannot technically be the Imam, since the Imam must be visible at the front of the prayer congregation.

Yes, this is sexism. Women are banned from being Imams just because they're women. There is just no way this is not sexist.

However in terms of being a religious leader, women are allowed as much of a say in matters as men, and yeah there's a massive problem of an over representation of men within such groups. Now legal opinion is just that, an opinion. There is no written rule that women are to be discouraged from being religious leaders, unfortunately it is the way it is.

Women can't be Imams like you just said. In Shi'a Islam, maraji can only be male. Women can't be a marja because they're women. Traditionally, women cannot or should not be Qadis.


Then there is this hadith.


This has been used to justify banning women from being leaders.

With regards to how much men and women must cover themselves, it's stated that men and women have equal levels of 'shame', hence logically the same clothing standard should apply?

In traditional Islam a man's 'awrah is naval to knee and a woman's is her entire body or even more. This opinion you hold is definitely not one most Muslims hold. I mean, I kind of agree with you there's a logical discrepancy in the teachings here, but that doesn't mean it isn't what most Muslims believe and what traditional Islam teaches.

"The word "Hijab" appeared in the Quran 7 times, five of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban," these are 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17. None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today (Hijab) as a dress code for the Muslim woman. God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word "Hijab" to invent a dress code that He never authorized. God used the word "Hijab" ahead of them just as He used the word "Hadith" ahead of them. Hijab in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim Women dress code." Source: http://submission.org/Dress_Code_1.html

I agree with you. You definitely make some good points, but traditionally the Qur'an has been interpreted to say women need to cover their bodies and heads with a "khimar". Arguments have been pushed for this meaning as well. Are you a Qur'anist? You're linking a Submitter website.

The grey areas are subject to individual interpretation, and God will judge you based on what you understand about these grey areas. The solid laws which regard prayers, religious duties and duties to other fellow beings is set in stone if you will. Dress code, how you treat your own body and such things are highly subjective.

Most Muslim authorities consider head-covering and total body-covering a non-negotiable obligation on women.

Islam as a religion also says that men and women are different, God has made them different and hence there are certain aspects where men or women might be required to do more. I understand that this may not resonate with you but there are 1.6 billion + people that seem to get it. Religion is not for everyone.

Yes, these roles are often incredibly sexist and bad for both genders. How many people believe something has literally nothing to do with its legitimacy.

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