What is it like in Detention Barracks?

I expect differences as my information is probably pretty outdated. Just bits of information here and there.

The ones with dark t-shirts are the big offense offenders while those in light attire are the small time offenders or the 'good boys'.

Isolation chambers - Stinks of poor hygiene all around, and almost no light. Standard isolation, only a 'mailbox' slot is visible.

Movement - While inmates are getting moved between facilities and there is wait time, they will be asked to stand really close and face the wall.

Small priviledges - Only can remember three items. Some get a book, some get a notepad to scribble in. Some get to watch tv for a limited amount of time.

Inmates used as manpower for the db facility - Sometimes inmates will be used to perform simple tasks for the camp. The inmates working as food staff delivering food to the staff, they were not allowed to touch doors, gates or any form of movement restriction utility. When they reach the gate they will stand there motionless for as long as required and wait for an official staff to notice them and open/allow them in.

No talking allowed unless you are told to.

If you an official staff at the camp - The cookhouse food actually tastes better then most camps.

Story from two guys who went into db together - one is a first timer while the other is a minor offense multiple time offender. The new guy tells me most of the staff there remembers old-timers. They tend to close one eye and give small priviledges to minor offenses multiple time offenders. If you are a first-timer you will have a worse time there. He told me the old-timer was singing in the shower and chit chatting to the MPs there with no reprecussions. The old-timer was dozing off and sleeping while eating and even standing.

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