This is what a lore event should be like, there's actually a change that can be seen.

Good lord kid. Have you finished 8th grade science? Do you know how data is collected and measured? Are you even paying attention to this conversation? Here, lets refresh you on what has been said so far:

  1. In my initial post all I say is that nobody is forcing you, personally, to obtain these objectives and try to grind them out. They will happen naturally as you play the game. Yes, grinding can get your reward faster, but by the end of the event, you'll have had nearly 5 weeks to obtain them. There's literally 0 reason for you, as a player, to stress over the objectives or feel obligated to meet them due to the lenient amount of time you've been given to complete the task.

  2. You reply that the criteria is still bad because, and I quote, "every game has to go for an extra 20 minutes."

  3. I reply that this claim is verifiable false and provide 100% proof positive data that on average games are not lasting longer because of these goals and they're certainly not lengthened by 20+ minutes. Let me reiterate: This is not arguable. This is not my opinion. This is 100% a fact based on data collected in over 280,000+ BWB games.

  4. Here is where you have a failure to understand what is being discussed. You back your claim with anecdotal evidence. You don't seem to understand what this is, so I've provided a link for you to that as well.

  5. Finally, in my last reply, I point out how anecdotal evidence does not support your original claim. At no point have I stated that nobody has ever stalled the game for objectives. I'm sure it happens. Just like in some games you'll have feeders or in some games you'll have afk'ers. My point is that these are anomalies. That are not normal. They are not the status quo. Yes they happen, but they happen infrequently enough that they have virtually no impact on the overall data set I presented in my earlier post.

Hence why I've been refuting your claim that this happens "every game" and that it's to the extent of "20 minutes". Even assuming that you were using hyperbole, it still doesn't happen frequently or even commonly. It is a rare occurrence. And yes, people are going to complain about it. Just like people are going to complain about feeders and afkers and toxic players even though statistical data shows that all of those are less than 3% of the player base.

Now that we're all caught up, hopefully you actually understand what we're discussing here so you can understand why what you just posted is so horribly, hilariously incorrect. Lets start with this:

It doesn't happen in every game

Hah. In 6 works, you debunk your entire platform and support mine. Beautiful.

No I don't have the statistics to back it up,

This becomes pretty amusing when we look right below it and you say:

The "evidence" that backs up my statement is personal experience.

Combined, you're saying, "I don't have any evidence, but I don't need any evidence!" Hilarious.

You claimed that earning the icons didn't affect people if they weren't trying to earn it themselves.

I never claimed this. Read over all the posts I've linked above. Maybe that's why you're so angry. Because you've made up a false narrative in your head to argue against. Perhaps that's why you're also stupid enough to not realize you've debunked your own argument and tried to support it with non-factual information. Geez, this just isn't your day, huh?

I showed you why you were incorrect.

Because you were arguing against a claim I never made and supported it with evidence that doesn't exist? You sure showed me!

Telling me that my opinion is statistically unprovable is pointless.

And now facts have devolved into opinions. All logic and reason has gone out the window, though I'm not sure it existed in any of your posts to begin with.

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